Anti aging skin care tips

Aging is natural process. But why age gracefully! Look young, bright and fresh with these Anti Aging Skin Care Tips.

Anti aging skin care tips

Wearing sunscreen 365 days a year is important. May you be it home, office; at a working place sunscreen is essential. Sun rays travel through the windows, which means you are safe nowhere. Evening a cloudy or raining weather sun block is a must to use.

Sit ten feet away from the fireplace or a heater. This breaks down collagen and causes redness.

Even a sunscreen can’t protect you from this heat. Skin starts to swell if for a longer time you are exposed to heaters and fireplaces.

Avoid using straws. This creates lines around the mouth. Instead sip water or a drink from the glass. Make it a habit. This is the easiest Anti Aging Skin Care Tip by far.

Correct your sleep posture. Sleep straight on you back. When you press your face against the pillow it results in appearance of lines.

Learn how exactly you can over come aging HERE

Try adding green foods to your diet like spinach. Eat salads. Green foods have naturally occurring antioxidants which make your skin radiant.

Talking on cell phones for hour’s, results in appearance of rashes and breakouts on cheeks and along the jaw line. Keep your phone clean with anti bacterial wipes.

Protect your eyes with sun glasses. Squinting in sun causes wrinkles to appear near the eyes so wear sunglasses and look trendy and also protect yourself against the UVA and UVB rays.

Anti Aging Skin Care Tips can make you stay beautiful and young. Take care of your skin! Know more about Anti-Aging Tips HERE

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